Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Born into the famed Uzumaki clan of Uzushiogakure, Kushina lived most of her youth being caught-up in war, making her seek for a
daily "peace". At a young age she was sent to
Konoha and enrolled in the village's Ninja Academy.

Wanting to make a strong first impression, she
proclaimed to her class that she would be the
first female Hokage. The other kids laughed at her statement, and began calling her Tomato (トマト) because of her then-round face and fiery red hair.
This prompted her to lash out and pummel the
kids who teased her. This, in addition to her red
hair flowing wildly around, earned her the
nickname of Red Hot-Blooded Habanero (赤い血潮 のハバネロ, Akai Chishio no Habanero; Viz "Red-Hot Habanero").

Sometime after arriving in Konoha, Kushina was
kidnapped by Kumogakure ninja who wanted to make use of her special chakra. As they escorted
her to Kumo she secretly plucked and left behind
strands of her red hair to mark her trail in the
hopes that someone would find her. Minato Namikaze, one of her classmates that Kushina believed to be a wimp, was the only one to pick
up on this. After rescuing her he informed her
that he had always admired her red hair. Since
Minato proved himself to be anything but a
"wimp" and liked the one thing she hated about
herself, Kushina fell in love with him, now considering her red hair as the "red thread of
fate" (運命の赤い糸, unmei no akai ito) that had brought them together. Kushina was eventually told why she had to
leave her home of Uzushio and go to Konoha;
because of her special chakra, she was to be the
next jinchūriki of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. Kushina was terrified by the idea, but she was
comforted by the Nine-Tails' then-current
jinchūriki, Mito Uzumaki. Before the transfer was performed, Mito told Kushina that love was the
only way to tame the Nine-Tails and overcome its
hate. The love of Minato helped her do so.

As she grew up Kushina became renowned for
her beauty and unique ninjutsu style, including
the fūinjutsu of her clan. At some point, Kushina married Minato and they conceived a son. During
her ten-month jinchūriki-influenced pregnancy, they decided to name him "Naruto" after the main
character of Jiraiya's first book. When Jiraiya asked if they were sure, stating that it was a
name he had just came up with whilst eating a
bowl of ramen one day, Kushina said that it was
a beautiful name. They even approved of Jiraiya
to be Naruto's godfather. Kushina also hoped that
her son and her best friend Mikoto Uchiha's youngest son Sasuke would become friends in the future.

Because the seal keeping the Nine-Tails within
Kushina's body would be at its weakest during
childbirth, special arrangements were made.
Kushina would leave the village in secret and
give birth in a remote location. Minato would help
maintain the seal and ANBU would guard the area. Soon after Naruto was born they were
found by Madara Uchiha. Madara killed all of the ANBU, Biwako, Taji, and took the newborn baby Naruto hostage, threatening to kill him as well.
Minato was able to take Naruto back, but this
gave Madara the chance to escape with Kushina.
Wishing to use the Nine-Tails to destroy Konoha,
Madara released it from Kushina's body. Since the longevity inherent to the Uzumaki clan allowed
her to initially-survive the extraction, Madara
tried to have the Nine-Tails finish Kushina off. She
was saved by Minato and brought to Naruto,
who she stayed with while Minato went to help
in the village's defence.

To stop the Nine-Tails' attack, Minato was forced
to bring it to Kushina and Naruto's location, and
both of them to its. Kushina restrained it and,
already dying from the trauma of its removal,
volunteered to have it sealed back into her body
so that it would die with her. Doing so would also save the lives of Minato and Naruto, her
thanks to them for giving her such a happy life.
Minato suggested using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal on the Nine-Tails and sealing the rest of it into Naruto instead.

As this would also mean Minato's death, and
consequently give Naruto a horrible and lonely
life, Kushina naturally objected. Minato convinced
her that it was for the best, and that doing this
would also allow Kushina see Naruto when he
was older. When the Nine-Tails realized their intentions, it tried to kill Naruto, but both Minato
and Kushina used their bodies to shield him. As
Minato performed the sealing, and already at the
point of death, Kushina told Naruto how much
she loved him and gave him her best advice for
the future; her final act in this world was to fill her son with as much of her love as possible.
Minato then sealed the rest of their remaining
chakra into Naruto, ending their lives.

Her family name was then given to Naruto by the Third Hokage, in hopes that nobody else would discover the connection between Naruto and


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